C is for corn plaster

November 1, 2022

A corn plaster is a medicated pad that is supposed to each away at a corn. The acid that is used can not tell what is corn and what is normal skin, so it just eats away at whatever it is put on. That can be dangerous for those who are at sick (eg diabetes).

Corn plasters, also known as corn pads or corn cushions, are commonly used as a treatment for corns. However, it’s important to note that using corn plasters alone may not be sufficient for treating corns effectively. While corn plasters can provide temporary relief by reducing pressure and friction on the corn, they do not address the underlying cause of the corn.

Corns are typically caused by repetitive friction or pressure on a specific area of the skin, often due to ill-fitting shoes, abnormal foot anatomy, or certain activities. To effectively treat a corn, it’s essential to address the root cause and take steps to alleviate the pressure or friction that led to its development.

Here are some self help measures you can take along with using corn plasters to treat a corn:

  1. Wear Proper Footwear: Ensure that your shoes fit well and provide enough room for your toes. Avoid tight or narrow shoes that can compress the toes and increase friction.
  2. Use Protective Pads: Along with corn plasters, you can use non-medicated padding or toe sleeves to cushion and protect the corn, reducing further irritation.
  3. Soak and Moisturize: Soaking your feet in warm water can help soften the corn. After soaking, gently use a pumice stone to remove some of the dead skin. Applying a moisturizer to the affected area can help keep the skin soft and prevent excessive dryness.
  4. Avoid Self-Removal: It’s generally not advisable to attempt to remove a corn on your own, especially by cutting or shaving it. This can increase the risk of infection and other complications. If you are unable to manage the corn effectively or if it causes significant pain, it’s best to seek professional help from a healthcare provider or a podiatrist.

Remember, corn plasters can provide temporary relief, but for long-term management and prevention of corns, it’s important to address the underlying factors causing them. Consulting a podiatrist is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific needs if you have a corn.


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