With the development of peripheral neuropathy in diabetes mellitus there is a wasting or atrophy of the small muscles in the foot leading to the appearance of a high arched foot, called the intrinsic minus foot.
The intrinsic foot muscles are a group of muscles located within the foot. They play a crucial role in providing stability, support, and precise movements of the foot. These muscles are responsible for maintaining the arches of the foot, controlling toe movements, and assisting in balance and gait.
Here are the main intrinsic foot muscles:
- Flexor hallucis brevis: This muscle is located on the bottom of the foot and helps in flexing the big toe.
- Flexor digitorum brevis: It is also found on the bottom of the foot and assists in flexing the lesser toes (second to fifth toes).
- Abductor hallucis: Situated on the medial (inner) side of the foot, it helps in moving the big toe away from the other toes (abduction).
- Abductor digiti minimi: Located on the lateral (outer) side of the foot, it aids in moving the fifth toe away from the other toes.
- Lumbricals: There are four lumbrical muscles in the foot, and each one arises from the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus. These muscles flex the metatarsophalangeal joints (MTP joints) and extend the interphalangeal joints (IP joints) of the toes.
- Interossei: There are three types of interossei muscles: dorsal (extensor), plantar (flexor), and lateral. They are responsible for various movements of the toes, including adduction and abduction.
These intrinsic foot muscles work in coordination with other muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the foot to provide stability, flexibility, and precise control during walking, running, and other activities.